
Kids Bible Quiz 5

Bible Quiz for Kids suitable for family and school quizzes.

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Bible Quiz for Kids


  1. In what form did the Holy Spirit appear as at Pentecost: a) Fire, b) Water, c) A man?

  2. How many wise men visited Jesus when he was born?

  3. True or false: Pontius Pilot commanded the death of Jesus?

  4. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal the name of an instrument that is mentioned in the Bible: RHPA?

  5. Who was asked to sacrifice his own son in order to prove his belief in Jesus?

  6. Was John the Baptist one of the disciples?

  7. What was the name of the Garden where the story of Adam and Eve occurred?

  8. What name, beginning with the letter S, was Peter the apostle also known as?

  9. What was Simon of Cyrene ordered by the Romans to do on the way to the crucifixion of Jesus?

  10. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal the name of a king: RDOEH?