Which character performs a song called 'Speechless' in the 2019 movie Aladdin?
Which of the following is the odd one out:
a) Rocket, b) Jupiter, c) Saturn, d) Mars?The following sentence is missing several capital letters, can you rewrite the sentence using capital letters when needed:
harry lives at 61 kings road in liverpool.What is the name of the cord which connects a mother to the baby in the womb?
What is a baby pig called?
The following sentence is incorrect as the past tense verb is wrong, can you rewrite the sentence correctly:
We was tired yesterday.According to the Bible, which country did Mary and Joseph flee to in order to escape Herod?
True or false: Most owls are not nocturnal (active at night)?
What type of wave is a sound wave:
a) Electromagnetic, b) Longitudinal?What is linguine a type of?